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Cannabis Oil Scammers: How Prohibition Protects Fraudsters and Thieves

Let's take a look at how as a direct result of prohibition the UK cannabis scene is littered with cannabis oil scammers, confidence men, criminals, thieves and other nefarious individuals out to make themselves rich off of the backs of patients and consumers.

Unfortunately, it happens daily under prohibition. People in the community can be seen discussing it at length via Social Media - talking about times that they have been conned and that they know or suspect someone in the community of wrong doing and being involved for all the wrong reasons. We're not just talking about cannabis oil scammers here, but all sorts of unscrupulous behaviours which we will discuss in detail below. You know, the sort of behaviour that leads far too frequently to online Witch Hunts that devolve into immature behaviour that frankly reflects poorly on the community as a whole.

Cannabis prohibition and terrorism

“The illegal sale of Cannabis in the UK contributes to global terrorism”. That's a sentence I’ve heard many times in my life, spoken with no to little real evidence ever being provided to back it up.

But how true is this statement?

If you happen to of followed the rather remarkable life of Dennis Howard Marks (Mr Nice), then you’ll probably be aware of the term Nordle. Nordle was the code word Howard used to use when smuggling Hashish from Afghanistan to Shannon Airport in Ireland then routeing it on to Milford, Wales with the help of James (Jim) McCann of the IRA back in the 1970’s.

ISMOKE Interviews Jeff Ditchfield

Jeff Ditchfield is a cannabis caregiver and activist. He set up Bud Buddies UK in 2001 to give access to medicinal cannabis for seriously ill people across the UK, and from 2002-2007 Jeff Ditchfield also operated 'The Beggars Belief' Coffeeshop in North Wales (footage below).

After watching Project Storm, a film about Bud Buddies, Cannabis Oil and some of their patients we wanted to share Jeff's story in a feature on ISMOKE, so we sat down with him to talk about medicine, the law, and all things cannabis:

How Does UK Cannabis Prohibition Affect You?

Cannabis is medicine, and everybody likely knows somebody that could benefit from it's use. In this video Tyler Green talks about cannabis prohibition in the UK, and how our Government criminalises people who want to use or grow cannabis. The cannabis activist movement is strong. Join us!

Tottenham Cannabis Club Awareness Day July 2016 Write-Up

On Saturday we headed down to Chingford Plains for an event to raise cannabis awareness organised by Tottenham Cannabis Club.

We've had a busy few weeks at ISMOKE with Product Earth, Green Pride and this event, making it three weekends on the trot we've been travelling around the Country - and we've loved every minute of it! This event was promoted through the TTCC Awareness Facebook Page and was put on at the edge of Epping Forest.