ISMOKE Interviews: Watermelon Girl
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Like all subcultures, cannabis has a multitude of levels. In the UK, we are perhaps more underground than the rest of the world, but in the North American regions, cannabis culture is alive and thriving. With movies dedicated to weed, publications, celebrities and all manner of pot endorsements, the lust for cannabis with our North American cousins is tangible.
ISMOKE magazine caught up with one of the most notable and prolific figures of the pot scene. With worldwide notoriety, Watermelon Girl has graced the covers of some of the biggest publications in pot culture and beyond. She has a résumé that is unique. ISMOKE wanted to know more about this freedom fighter come pin-up girl.
Welcome to ISMOKE magazine Watermelon Girl!
– And, welcome to the UK scene, have you ever been here, what’s your impression of us?
I have been there a few times. Unfortunately they were very short visits. I took in as much art and culture as my time allowed.
Loved every bit of it.
– OK, I’m sure you have a frequently asked questions mindset, so excuse us. But, Watermelon Girl? Unusual name, where does it originate from?
Selling slices of watermelon on world famous clothing optional Wreck Beach . “I can never decide what not to wear.”
– You’re a profound figure in the North American pot scene, do you know much of the UK and the cannabis laws?
I dare say I do not know much about the legal reality of marijuana in the UK. I am “profoundly” unaware. I like to assume the science has caught up with all civilized countries and medical marijuana is gaining strength and respect everywhere people can read.
Watermelon Girl starred and contributed in the highly respected film; ‘The Union – The Business Behind Getting High’. Being interviewed from her kitchen, and with the phone ringing off the hook from clients wishing to buy Watermelon Girl cookies – she was described as a “drug dealing, nudist, comic, pin-up baker” –
– This cover it? What area do you prefer out of these?
I am also a tango dancer. I think my life is my art, it reads more like a hedonist’s résumé. I try to maximize my happiness in every way possible. I wish others would do the same.
In the Union film, Watermelon’s work on the speaking circuit was highlighted. Although about she is as easy on the eye as it gets, Watermelon’s beauty is far from the full picture of her character. With a ravaging whit – and intellect that befuddles judges and politicians – Watermelon Girl is candid with the smarts to match.
– You’re also very outspoken on drug policy, you were invited by the National Speakers Bureau, what did this entail, and did you personally get much out of this endeavour speaking to young adults?
I think the young adults got more out of it than I did. They were so surprised to hear someone saying out loud what they are thinking all the time. Getting paid to cause dissidence amongst students is obviously a dream job for me.
– How were the young adults, were they more clued up than you thought? The UK’s students seem to be fairly on the ball, have you found the same with North America?
I find that every generation is a little more informed than their parents. It is the young kids eating their vegetables every day and getting high on yoga. I find young adults (especially those in post secondary education) have way more fervency for valid activism. A lot of “older” folks are clued up too. They are just way too busy or discouraged to devote much time to changing things. They’ve been subordinated for so long in so many ways, they know freedom is a joke. They just want to smoke pot and be left the fuck alone.
– You originally started out on television with your own baking show “Baked n Baking”. Has baking always been part of your life, and when did cannabis dovetail with this?
I like to bake. I love to get baked. Simple evolution. That and I am very good at what I do, so I continue to do it. My first marijuana cooking show was Baked N Baking. It was sold as a DVD through a license and distributor out of LA. This new series of cooking shows I am doing called ‘Baking A Fool Of Myself’ – marijuana recipes made easy. We are focusing our attention on the medical marijuana patients who choose to ingest their medicine rather than smoke it. My real life mother is my sidekick and together we teach you to bake up special treats in the comfort of your own home. We are releasing five new recipes soon. Marijuana Bacon, Nice Cream Cones, Spinakopita “Puff” Pastry, Gramola, and Marijuana Mohitos.
Watermelon has kindly given ISMOKE the permission to print a few of her much sought after recipe cards. ISMOKE Readers are encouraged to have a go at making Watermelon’s recipes and send in pictures.