7 Illnesses That Can Be Treated With Medical Cannabis
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Medical cannabis is a subject that introduces strong emotions to the public, stakeholders, doctors, and scientists working on its research and clinical trials.
The fact that cannabis can be effective in the treatment of infectious diseases leads to questions such as the safety of cannabis, its effectiveness, addiction properties, and what conditions does it treat.
Anyone with interest in cannabis latest development knows that cannabis has medicinal properties that can help in the treatment of pain in glaucoma and cancer patients. It can also help in treating other diseases as well.
Here are some of the seven infectious diseases that call for the prescription of medical cannabis.
- Glaucoma
The second leading cause of blindness is glaucoma, cataracts take the first position. The infection destroys cells in the retina, degrading the optic nerve, thus constricting the patient’s field of view.
The use of medical cannabis to treat glaucoma came from the government’s compassionate appeal to use marijuana. Research shows that both THC and marijuana can reduce intravascular pressure, the primary cause of glaucoma.
- HIV and AIDS
Researchers are working hard to get the cure for HIV and AIDS. Meanwhile, cannabis can treat complications relating to the disease, such as the wasting syndrome and the side effects of using the ARVs.
Despite the new positive developments, medical cannabis can help in the alleviation of pain from secondary infections such as nausea, weight loss, pain, and depression.
- Cancer
Medical cannabis may not provide a total cure against cancer. However, studies show patients can easily manage pain, nerve damage due to chemotherapy, nausea, and vomiting. But it is important to note that the decision to prescribe medical cannabis for pain alleviation should be a doctor-patient agreement. There is a need to balance between benefit and possible harm to the patient who decides to go for medical cannabis. - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IDB)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a general term defining conditions affecting the intestinal tract. The symptoms include rectal bleeding, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and fatigue.
Earlier studies indicate that some patients with medical cannabis can see remission. Patients report successful management of stomach pains, cramps, loss of appetite, and nausea.
Scientists believe that medical cannabis can take up the space to fill in for the natural cannabinoids taking the role of anti-inflammatory agents.
- Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a disease affecting the nerves and the central nervous system. Medical cannabis may prove to be useful in treating symptoms associated with the illness.
In a study looking into muscle control, patients took an oral prescription containing medical cannabis extract. After three months, they had a sense of relief, noting less stiff muscles during the treatment period.
After plenty of studies and reviews there is substantial evidence that medical cannabis is effective in the treatment of symptoms relating to multiple sclerosis.
- Asthma
Asthma is a lung disease causing the airways to swell and narrow during an attack. The notable symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Asthma is chronic and inflammatory, and medical cannabis known for its anti-inflammatory properties so it can be a benefit to some patients.
Cannabis’s ability to dilate the respiratory passage and reduce coughing explains why it helps asthma patients. Cannabis expands instead of contracting the bronchial passages.
- Lyme Disease
Livestock ticks cause Lyme disease, and once identified, treatment should start as soon as possible. Some of its symptoms may range from serious joint pains to meningitis. In severe cases, the symptoms may include heart problems, memory loss, peripheral neuropathy, brain inflammation, etc.
Medical cannabis can also be used with Lyme disease due to its anti-bacterial properties. Other studies indicate the eradication of spirochetes, the leading cause of Lyme disease.
This study made CBD oil famous as a form of treatment. Cannabis offers relief to symptoms such as headaches, muscle pain, and joint pain.
The use of medical cannabis to treat and manage symptoms has been going on for many years. It is only in recent times that the public and the governments of the world are warming up to the idea of embracing marijuana as a controlled substance.
Of course there are many, many more illnesses that cannabis can help with, so it is worth researching the specific conditions you want to find out more about to see how cannabis can help.
Patients who already know the positive effects of medical cannabis in alleviating pain should open to their doctors and explain the positive outcomes, particularly as some doctors are now embracing the idea of using cannabis as a prescription for ailments. However it should be noted that at time of writing in the UK medical cannabis is still hard to obtain unless from a private prescripton.
Im other countries medical cannabis has the approval when treating diseases such as HIV and AIDS, Post-traumatic stress, glaucoma, cancer, etc. The use of medicinal cannabis also helps cancer patients to manage pain associated with chemotherapy.
Growing medical cannabis? Make sure to use good marijuana seeds for success in germination.